Query Execution 1
Processing Models
Defines how the system executes a query plan.
Iterator Model
Also the Volcano or the Pipeline Model
Each query plan operator implements a Next()
- On each invocation, the operator returns either a single tuple or a eof marker if there are no more tuples.
- The operator implements a loop that calls
on its children to retrieve their tuples and then process them.
- 易于实现和维护
- 大量的函数调用带来额外开销
Materialization Model
Each operator processes its input all at once and then emits its output all at once.
- The operator "materializes" its output as a single result.
- The DBMS can push down hints (e.g., LIMIT) to avoid scanning too many tuples.
- Can send either a materialized row or a single column.
Better for OLTP workloads because queries only access a small number of tuples at a time.
- Lower execution / coordination overhead.
- Fewer function calls.
Not good for OLAP queries with large intermediate results.
Vectorization Model
和迭代器,,模型类似,每个操作符,,都实现自己的 Next()
函数,但是与迭代器模型每次只返回一个 tuple 不同,向量化,,模型每次返回多个 tuple。
- The operator’s internal loop processes multiple tuples at a time.
- The size of the batch can vary based on hardware or query properties.
向量化模型是迭代器模型和 Materialization 模型的折中版本。
向量化模型相对于迭代器模型大幅减少了函数调用次数,这使得它很适合 OLAP 查询的场景。
可以使用向量化的质量(如 SIMD)来处理批量的数据。
Plan Processing Direction
Approach #1: Top-to-Bottom
- Start with the root and “pull” data up from its children.
- Tuples are always passed with function calls.
Approach #2: Bottom-to-Top
- Start with leaf nodes and push data to their parents.
- Allows for tighter control of caches/registers in pipelines.
- More amenable to dynamic query re-optimization.
Access Methods
Sequencial Scan
for page in table.pages:
for t in page.tuples:
if evalPred(t):
// Do Something!
DBMS 会维护一个指向上次最后遍历到的位置的内部指针。
Optimization: Data Skipping
Approximate Queries (Lossy)
Execute queries on a sampled subset of the entire table to produce approximate results.
Zone Maps (Lossless)
提前计算一个 page 的每一列的聚合数据(最大值、最小值、平均值等),在执行查询时通过这些聚合数据来决定是否访问遍历这一个 page 的数据。
Index Scan
Multi-Index Scan
当一个查询涉及多条属性时,使用数据对应的多个索引根据条件获取相应的数据集合后,进行取并集 OR 取交集获得最终结果。
Modification Queries
- Child operators pass Record IDs for target tuples.
- Must keep track of previously seen tuples.
- Choice #1: Materialize tuples inside of the operator.
- Choice #2: Operator inserts any tuple passed in from child operators.
Halloween Problem
当更新某个 tuple 的数据时,被更新的数据又重新满足更新条件,从而导致这些数据被多次更新。
可以通过记录更新过的 tuple 的 id 来避免。
Expression Evaluation
- Just-in-time (JIT) compilation